I consider good management to be the most important factor to ensure the sustainability of humanity, and have committed my life to management, as an administrator as well as a professor. I value management as the cornerstone of any society and organization. I feel that every human being is one day going to be managed or they will manage someone. Therefore, I see management as a true universal discipline and as service to humanity as well as to our society. I feel that managers have the duty to give to others and help those in need, in addition to maintain the desired levels of organizational performance. I see good management as one the greatest gifts we can give to others. As a lifelong advocate for social responsibility, I firmly believe that good management should help employees to be moral world citizens and socially responsible leaders, and role models for dignity and integrity. In addition, I value diversity and feel that people have different ways of working and they must be managed accordingly. This must be considered in the process of management by utilizing a variety of management techniques and methods and respecting everyone equally. Good management education is not only about teaching someone the skills and knowledge needed in the profession, but also about teaching ethical values and critical thinking so that all employees can become good organizational citizens. It is about teaching cultural relativity and compassion for others, as well as introducing them to the different value systems. For this to be done right, managers must be taught to maintain the highest professional standards and quality so that all employees they manage can succeed in their chosen paths. Management must be transformational and experimental when possible and offer opportunities for growth to all employees. 

Personally, I value the lessons I have been taught during my management learning path. I have learned humility, honesty, and authenticity. I have also learned to love and care for my fellow human beings and contribute to the society around me through service. I have learned that life is not about what you get but what you give. Therefore, I see no better way for continuing my giving than serving as a manager and an academic leader. Hopefully, I can follow my own training well enough to help others to find their paths to success and happiness. Hopefully, I can transform others through management, and my leadership, in the way I have been transformed by it. I chose management as a field of study because I value people and feel that everyone has the right to experience job satisfaction and be productive. Through right management, people can feel motivated and creative. They can contribute to the society and experience fulfilling lives. 

I am professionally certified in quality management and believe in the importance of ensuring institutional effectiveness. I support the value of regional accreditation and have years of experience in managing many academic programs in the true spirit of accreditation. Educational institutions must remain accountable to the society and exceed the expectations of the students as well as other stakeholders. As such, I am here to serve my staff and faculty, and guide their professional journeys. I am here to coach them to succeed. This requires proper project management, as all management is project management in many ways. I have managed countless of projects with a great track record of success. It also requires skilled strategic management, and I am an expert in it after having served as a management consultant and management professor, teaching strategic management at graduate school level, for nearly three decades.